Moritz Schmolke

*1998, Berlin (he/him)


02/2024 Distel
Collaborative Sound Creation Tool
Düsseldorf Berlin SuperCollider, Distel-Lang, Hardware
07/2023 Am Ende die Leerstelle
↪ Improvised Duo-Concert together with Gabriel Rosenbach, mostly granulising and manipulating Gabriel's trumpet playing. In reference to series of paintings by Ferdinand Dölberg.
Galerie Anton Janizweski, Berlin SuperCollider, multi-channel sound
07/2023 Burn Out Symposium
↪ Technical Planning and Production of a Weekend with talks, panels and concerts at E-Werk Luckenwalde.
Luckenwalde Planning, Production, Sound engineer
03/2023 Phase 0
↪ Live-instrument making and composition for the Performance "Phase 0" in collaboration with Livni Holtz, Pablo Wendel, Paul Marwitz and Rurbane Realitäten, reviving collective memories of an old public swimming pool by sonically projecting them throughout the space.
Stadtbad Luckenwalde 8 found loudspeakers, SuperCollider, custom multi-touch interface
03/2023 High on the Wind
↪ Technical realisation of site-specific sound installation by FM Einheit.
E-Werk Luckenwalde
10/2022 Grauschleier
↪ Sound-design and Mixing for feature-length film debut by Milan and Ferdinand Dölberg.
Berlin Field recodings, DAW
03/2018 Der Schrei des Pfauen in der Nacht.
↪Technical realisation of the interactive sound installation for the piece interactive musical theatre at the Deutschen Oper in Berlin
Deutsche Oper Berlin Pd, Arduino, Sensors
02/2020 Mein Körper macht das mit mir.
↪Development and Integration of movement sensors for a dance-performance by Yale Sevis.
Filmwerkstatt Düsseldorf ESP8266, Accelerometers, SuperCollider
09/2020 alles gleichzeitig
↪ Solo Laptop Performance during festival "Freie Republik Bad Hemberg"
Bad Toggenburg, Switzerland Field-Recordings, SuperCollider
02/2022 Chord Skeins
↪ Sensor programming for 4-channel interactive audiovisual installation by Luis Küffner
Kunstpalast Düsseldorf Arduino, Sensors
07/2022 Cité des Arts Residency
↪ 3-month research residency at Cité des Arts Paris granted by Kultusministerium NRW, focussed research on modular synthesis and the works of Eliané Radigue.
See MatrixMixer.
Paris Books, Laptop


05/2019 Wanubalé - Strange Heat (10"/Digital) Agogo records
↪el. bass

09/2019 Wanubalé - phosphenes (2LP/CD/Digital) Agogo records
↪el. bass

05/2020 Wanubalé - Nadra/Loose Focus (12"/Digital) Agogo records
↪el. bass; editing

07/2022 POPKORNZONE - Pacifier EP (MC/Digital) self-released
↪recording, mix

01/2023 wnbl - Still not in Space (Digital) Agogo Records
↪el.bass, recording

03/2023 wnbl - Who Is She feat. EV​î​N (Digital) Agogo Records
↪el.bass, recording

05/2023 wnbl - wnbl EP (Digital) Agogo Records
↪el.bass, recording

learning from and learning with

Katharina Brenner Milan Dölberg Ferdinand Dölberg Max Feig Footprint Project Jonas Heyn Björn Heyn Fabian Hub Institut für Musik und Medien Düsseldorf Luis Küffner E-Werk Luckenwalde Max Marcoll Julian Rohrhuber Philip Schilz Pablo Wendel wnbl Mo Zeisner